Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My 101: #55 Write a Short Story

Yeah I know I know, My 101 in 1001 is said and done; but as I said HERE and HERE, I did complete another goal but lost (temporarily misplaced) the original piece. Which is what brings me here today, I am proud of myself and the fact that I was able to attain some (more than half) of the goals I set for myself. And I also found the short story I wrote, dated February 28th, 2008, which was within my time frame.

Beautiful as the Day I First Saw Her

I wasn't more than 19 years old the first time I saw her...

A friend of mine had been talking about her for quite some time. He'd go on and on about how I needed to see her. At that time I wasn't really looking for anything so my interest wasn't much.

Eventually we took a trip to see her...

From the moment she caught my eyes I knew she had to be mine. Never before had I seen anything created with such perfection and beauty. Dressed in red with black shoes and curves that cut through me with spine tingling force.

I knew she was older than me but that never really mattered...

She was mine and I was hers. Friends and family could never understand what we had. When I spoke of her and my time with her they couldn't comprehend the joys we experienced. It wasn't long before I knew I had to share my experiences with others that didn't understand. We'd go on drives and share moments with each other.

Our days together were more than I could have ever imagined...

Soon I began to invite friends and family to share time with us and it wasn't long before everyone began to realize that what we had was more than a dream. We'd drive to the coast, sit on the hood as we listened to the waves crash onto the beach... Some days were so long that they turned to night and we'd stare up at the sky mesmerized by the stars and wishing endlessly.

I wouldn't even let her walk over a puddle...

It was autumn and the night came fast, as it usually does when we're lost in ourselves. Storm clouds began to form as the winds wickedly blew in. It wasn't long before the rain began; harder and harder the sky began to fall as the night screamed. A winding road is no place for a love like this on a night like this. My vision is blurred and I'm dying to get away... Lightning blasts a tree ahead of me, so close I can't see... Screeching tires is the last thing I hear.

Alone I wake in the hospital...

I ask the nurse, where is she? Confused she responds "I'm sorry but who are you talking about?" My head crashes softly back into the pillow as I fall silent.

It wasn't until I was released that I realized her fate...

My father picked me up from the hospital. Without even speaking he knew what I was thinking. And before I said a word he answered "It's not good" as we drove to see her. When we finally arrived I saw the truth of my fathers words... She was gone, a part of me was lost too. Never in my life had I felt this way. Her final image remains the same but to me she is and will always be as beautiful as the day I first saw her.  I will never forget that 1969.

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