Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crispy Bang

“I wanna be famous” – That’s what my “potnuh” tells me when he sees me. When he found out about my blog (Sweet Bottle of Bang) he thought it was the coolest thing, he’d check it out every now and then and then text me comments about it. The content got his attention and he became a regular follower.

Since then he’s been hinting at getting something started. I like the idea of working on a project and working with someone; on top of that it’s an opportunity to explore another creative side.

As of this post we have one BIG idea and another idea we’re trying to figure out. It’s slow-goin and currently only in brainstorm mode but we hope to get this stone rolling very soon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a visual creature and I appreciate a target to aim for so I created a logo for “idea”… A difficult task as we’re still not sure what direction the currents will take us but I needed something to take this from an idea to fruition.

The thinking space in my skull was in full effect when trying to come up with a name for our “brand” something relevant, something memorable, and something interesting. A few ideas sparked but never caught fire until I came up with a combination of our two personas Crispy (A play on his name) and Bang (Taken from my blog) and there you have it Crispy Bang.

We’re still not sure what the destination is but we’re ready to ride

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fo sho I do wanna be famous and we are on our way with it my dude you'll see!!!!!!!!